Rent-To-Own Shipping Containers

Advantages of Choosing Rent-To-Own

  • No Credit Check Required: Making it easy and convenient for everyone.
  • Flexible Term Options (12, 24, 36, & 48 months): Ensuring you have the freedom to choose what works best for you.
  • Ownership Upon Term Completion: Unlike traditional financing, you don’t own the container until the term is completed. This unique Rent-to-Own model provides flexibility without tying you down.
  • Early Payoff Discounts Available: 33% off!
  • Budget-Friendly Payment Options: Opting for longer terms makes for more affordable month to-month payments. Early payoff is still available.
  • Cheaper Overall Pricing (Shorter Terms): Choosing shorter terms will reduce overall cost. While monthly payments may be higher, it enables you to save cash and take advantage of the early payoff discount to save on the overall rent to own balance. Plus, you still get the container ASAP.
Shipping Container Rentals Near Me

Frequent Asked Questions About Rent-To-Own Shipping Containers

Do you check my credit?

There are NO CREDIT CHECKS with Rental Partners. Simply fill out an information sheet from one our dealers and meet the required points total for approval!

Do you require a deposit?

Rental Partners only requires First and Last month’s rent to be paid prior to delivery of the building. Your last month’s rent will be held in lieu of a deposit and will apply to the last month of your contract.

Can I pay off my building early?

Rental Partners Allows you to own your building early by paying off a percentage of the remaining balance of the contract. Please refer to the “right to pay early” section of your rental purchase agreement for more details.

Can I move my building to another location?

With dealer and Rental Partners Approval, your dealer will be able to move your building anywhere you would like. Fees may apply, see Dealer for details. You CANNOT move your building on your own without approval.

What is the interest rate?

This transaction is not considered a loan, so there is no interest or principal. Each payment is considered rent towards the total purchase price – over the term you choose.