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Septic Tank

Schedule Your Septic Tank Inspection

or speak to an expert

Septic Tank Inspection Services in Tulsa

On Call Services & Rental can handle all of your septic tank inspection needs in the Tulsa metropolitan area.

When you call On Call for your septic tank inspection, we’ll conduct either a visual inspection or a full inspection.

Visual inspections consist of flushing the toilets and running the faucets to surge the system so we can look for leaks and other problems. We’ll also walk through the yard area above your septic system.

Full inspections consist of thoroughly examining the inside of your septic tank to check the water level, so the inspector can determine if there are any leaks or if your system is overloaded.

During a full inspection, the inspector will likely pump the septic tank and the drain field will be monitored for backflow. The inspector will then examine your pipes to make sure nothing is blocking the water flow from the house to the septic tank.

underneath house illustration

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Why Choose On Call for Your Septic Inspection?

On Call Services & Rentals has a team of licensed septic inspectors who will ensure you’re given full documentation of everything they do, giving you peace of mind and assurances that everything was done right.

We only perform comprehensive, camera-assisted inspections that comply with all standards set by the Department of Environmental Quality.

If our expert technicians discover any issues during your inspection, they’ll be able to handle them with no issue. Whether you have a drain field issue or a clogged tank, we have the expertise to get the job done right. We use only the best equipment on the market.

It’s important to have your septic system inspected annually to ensure you’re aware of any issues that could be developing before they become major.

If you’re planning to remodel or add on to your home, or if you’ve noticed a problem such as unusual odors, sluggish flushing, or slow-to-drain sinks, it’s time to call us.